India’s Sons screens at Taiwan Innocence Film festival 2023

India's Sons

India’s Sons screens at Taiwan Innocence Film festival 2023

The Taiwan Innocence Project is organizing its inaugural “Innocence Film Festival” in Taipei, Taiwan. The festival will showcase 13 films, including documentaries and fact-based dramas from Taiwan and other countries. These films tell stories of unfair judgments in places like Taiwan, the United States, Japan, Iceland, the Philippines, India, and more. The aim is to make people aware of the issue of wrongful convictions.

Deepika Narayan Bhardwaj’s Documentary India’s Sons will be screened at Taiwan Innocence Film Festival 2023.

India’s Sons” is a feature-length documentary highlighting the devastating impact of false rape accusations on individuals and families in India. The film shares diverse stories, from an 18-year-old wrongly imprisoned to a 70-year-old who took his life due to reputation damage. It exposes flaws in the legal system, gender bias, and the use of lies in courts. The documentary emphasizes the plight of false rape case survivors, arguing that such cases not only harm accused men but also affect women who endure real trauma. Through powerful narratives, it calls for societal awareness and compassion for those wrongly accused—India’s Sons.