無版權音樂 Incredible Copyright-free Music 2024


Immerse yourself in our copyright-free music, a treasure trove of royalty-free tunes catering to all genres. Our dedicated team is poised to enrich your projects with an ever-expanding selection. Experience the perfect blend of creativity and legality, ensuring your content shines without copyright concerns. Stay tuned for a continuous flow of diverse, project-enhancing soundtracks from our team.

1. Soft Vibes Acoustic-無版權音樂

“Escape to tranquility with my soft acoustic guitar melodies—your perfect soundtrack for serene moments and peaceful reflection. Let the gentle notes create a calming ambiance, offering respite for your soul.”

“透過我柔和的原聲吉他旋律,沉浸於寧靜中 — 成為你宜於靜謐時刻和平靜反思的完美音樂。讓這些溫柔的音符營造出一種寧靜氛圍,為你的靈魂提供片刻的憩息。”

Soft Vibes
Soft Vibes

輕柔的原聲音樂 Soft Vibes Acoustic Music

2. Curious-好奇的

“Explore soul-finding curiosity through a captivating blend of electric guitar, bass, and drums. Dynamic rhythms and electrifying melodies intertwine in this unique musical journey, promising a stimulating and imaginative sonic experience.”




無版權音樂 Download copyright free music.


Curious Happy Mood Music